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Published On 3/29/2022
The Butternut Valley Alliance was spotlighted by the Community Foundation of Otsego County in a lengthly news article that appeared in the Freeman's Journal on March, 26, 2022.
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Published On 3/16/2022
In 2022 CNYC & BVA members will be asking for donations from club riders, friends, family and regional businesses. As hunger is a growing issue in the USA the funds this year will be donated to local food banks.
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Published On 1/27/2022
BVA Releases Recordings of Recent Presentations

Check the NEWS section at bottom left for descriptions and links to the recordings. Click on the title of each news topic to access links to the recording and see other information.
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Published On 11/24/2021
Perhaps you were unable to join us in person or online to watch Tom Washbon's Presentation on the history of mills in the Butternut Valley. There's a solution. We have made a recording of the presentation and you can watch it by clicking on the link below. Stacia Gregory Norman from the Morris Historical Society introduces Tom.

People may wonder what spurred Tom's interest in the mills. Tom and Maggie took a very active part in the assessment of the streams of the Butternut Valley by walking miles of streams. They came upon the ruins of many mills. The short summary below sheds some light on the experiences that inspired his interest.

The creek assessment was from 2016-2018.

The total miles walked by all participants was over 137 – Tom and Maggie covered roughly 10 tributaries including all of Calhoun, Cahoun, Dunderberg, Thorpe, Cope and Oregon (about 60-70 miles in all).

Tom has been coming to Morris for over 65 years to his family’s property (established in 1831).
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Published On 8/20/2021
The BVA anounces the 2021 BVA Visonary Scholar Award winneer and two Honorable recipients
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Report ALL damage today!
It’s critical to qualifying our area for state and federal assistance.

What to Do, Who to Call, What to Expect
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Published On 3/21/2021
Spring is in the air, and so is the BVA's Newsletter.
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Published On 11/1/2020
Fall 2020 BVA Newsletter
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Published On 8/17/2019
SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station researchers and Butternut Valley Alliance volunteers gathered in Morris to release thousands of small, squirming American eels into the waters of Butternut Creek on Wednesday.
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Published On 8/17/2019
The Summer Harvest Festival was a great Success, And we couldn't have done it without the hard work of the BVA members and the support of our Sponsors!
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Published On 10/11/2017
Morris Central School led by teacher, Heather Grant, will be sampling the Butternut Creek at Hillington Cemetery each month, and running chemical and physical analysis. Our data will go into a national Database used to analyze and protect the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
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Published On 7/9/2015
Gilbertsville, New York... The town nobody has ever heard of...

I video taped it for those of you who live other places and don't get the channel it was on.
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Newsletter Article

Published On 4/13/2021
Butternut Valley Alliance is hosting its first watershed-wide arts festival called “On the Trail of Art
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Published On 11/10/2020
Eight state forests fall under the auspices of the Leatherstocking Management Unit named for James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales.
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Published On 6/17/2020
The Butternut Valley Alliance is pleased to announce Katelyn Robinson, a senior at Morris Central School, as the first winner of its Visionary Scholar Award. Katie will receive $500 toward her undergraduate studies at Hartwick College this autumn.
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The Butternut Valley Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to encourage the Butternut Creek watershed to become an even better place to live, work, and play. Our activities connect communities, protect the environment, and promote the arts.

Leading the Butternut Creek watershed toward a sustainable future.
PO Box 43
Morris, NY  13808